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  Campaign 2024 Donald Trump at Florida Freedom Summit  CSPAN  November 5, 2023 4:36am-6:03am EST

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donald trump speaking. live coverage on c-span. ♪ >> ♪ 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea
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farm detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. there is pride in every american heart and it is time we stand and say -- that i am proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave. write to me and i grot -- and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men that died who came -- who gave that
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right to me and i would gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ [cheers and applause] mr. trump: thank you very much, everybody. it is great to be in one of the truly great places of the world, florida. thank you. and how low to all of the
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american patriots of the florida republican party. these are tremendous people. i know them all. they are tremendous people and they love our country. >> we love you! mr. trump: moments ago i officially filed to appear on the ballot of the florida primary. and i am also happy to report that we are leading by about 75 points. and with your help we are going to win the florida primary for the third straight time. we are going to win the state in a landslide next november just like we have done. and we are going to defeat crooked joe biden and we will make america great again.
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>> [crowd chanting "trump!" mr. trump: i want to thank a man that has done a fantastic job, the state party chair, christian ziegler. wherever you may be. there are a lot of people out here. he has been really fantastic. we appreciate it. and some really incredible warriors first and friends second i think i can say because they are warriors for our country and they love our country. they want our country to do incredibly well and be smart and safe. that is not what is happening right now. we have a mess on our hands. what we are seeing right now i don't think our country has seen from afghanistan, the most embarrassing moment in our history to inflation to allowing
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what happened in israel and for allowing what happened in ukraine. millions and millions of people are being killed. none of this would've happened, inflation would not of happened and the bad economy would not have happened. i watched numerous speeches that were just made and they were incredible. they are incredible people. they are members of congress, not gangsta -- matt. matt, thank you, matt. great job. you love our state. and he loves our country. thank you very much, matt. good job. a friend of mine who has been absolutely incredible and he is a star. i've been with him for a long time. years ago he gave me an award and i said, you should run for politics one day, you i've made
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such an impression. and he did and he has right from the beginning, byron donalds. thank you. and his great family and his wife who knows more about education that just about anybody i know. stay handy, ok? stay handy. a warrior who really understands what is happening in the world and really understands the military and everything having to do with the military and i can tell you that the man following likewise. these are two incredible people. i would listen -- if we had listened to their advice we would not be in the problems we are right now. michael waltz and corey mills.
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thank you. great people. these are really great people. incredible. and they are warriors. we need warriors. we cannot have non-warriors. as well as kansas gop chair who has done a fantastic job. mike brown is here. thank you very much, mike. how are we doing in kansas? pretty good? i hear "good." and today i'm very grateful to receive the endorsements of seven additional florida legislators. i will announce them and say, come on up. and of those great congressmen, christian you can, also, it is a very large stage. if you guys want to come up, come on up. state senator mayfield.
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debbie is great. and state representative jessica banker, webster barnaby. mike beltran. david oriole. kevin steele. paula stark. thank you very much indiana garcia. and alina garcia. what a nice-looking group of people. and also, with us, who gave us the endorsement a little while ago and are two great friends. i said we have to bring them up also. randy fine and juan perez.
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great job. state senators. joe is an incredible man. you know that. he has been with us from the beginning. and he has been great. and anna maria rodriguez. you know that. and she sends her love. another person who gave us a very big endorsement on friday and it got a lot of publicity because he is an important guy and a good guy. he is a u.s. senator and he is called rick scott. he has been a friend of mine for a long time and he gave us a beautiful endorsement. so, thank you, all very much. i appreciate it. [applause]
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[crowd chanting, "we love trump"] mr. trump: great people. for seven years you and i have been fighting side-by-side to rescue our nation from the evil and sinister forces who hate it and want to destroy it. now we are approaching the most critical battle of our lives. exactly one year from tomorrow, when you're is a long time with the kind of distraction these people can do that are grossly incompetent. you will vote in the most important election in the history of our country. 2016, many say and i meant it at the time, was the most
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important. but we started some job and we will finish that job. and crooked joe biden's banana republic ends november 5, 2024. job number one will be to stop the invasion on our southern border. three years ago we had the most secure border in u.s. history. we never had a border as secure and that included drugs, human trafficking. we had the best numbers we have ever had in the history of our country and now we have worse numbers probably in the history of the world. there has never been a worse border than ours. when you see what is coming in from mental institutions and prisons from around the world.
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we built over 500 miles of a border wall. and for those people that do -- i said mexico will pay for a piece of the wall but they gave us 28,000 soldiers because there was no way legally they could pay for our wall. they paid much more, paying for the soldiers and that was not easy to do. they also did many other things for us. and now we have a caravan heading up which is the biggest one anyone has ever seen and joe biden has no clue what to do. but i know what to do. we also deported illegal aliens, criminals by the thousands and thousands and we got them out. ms 13 by the thousands. we slashed illegal immigration by over 90%. and under biden the united
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states has become the dumping ground of the world. a lot of tough people, a lot of them as bad as you can find and they are coming into our country by the tens of thousands. and also terrorists. thousands of middle-aged men are coming in, young men are coming in. everyone is saying, how come they are so young and strong? and they are coming from china. 16% coming from china. why are they all young and strong and mostly men? you look at other countries that are also well represented including countries that right now are fighting in the middle east. they are coming in by the thousands and thousands. we have no idea actually where they come from. we think they are coming from different parts.
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these people have no idea that they are destroying our country. the countries that are sending these caravans are trying to extort the united states out of billions and billions of dollars. but biden does not want the caravans to stop. he probably wants them to come in. look, the guy cannot get office stage. i say it. every time he goes on a stage he cannot get off. exit. this is a big stage. what was on this stage before, christian? they must've had a massive choir. but they would -- there are seven staircases i see. he would not be able to figure it out. he cannot put two sentences together. i think he wants our country to fail. i really believe he must or the group that is actually running the country must want it to
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fail. mr. president, i stopped the caravans and did it very quickly. it can be done. they can be stopped. but, the people running it, you look at the people running it and the people in charge. they are grossly incompetent. they do not have a clue. they don't know what to do. i don't think somebody can say, isn't that a wonderful thing? countries are very smart. i got to do many of the presidents, prime ministers, did taters, the non-dictators, the people that get elected legally and those illegally and i got to know them. they are very smart people. when they are sending people into our country they are not sending their best. they are keeping our best. when you let rough people come into our country, it has to stop. we will have the largest mass
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deportation ever in our country. and i am helping biden when i say that because when people are watching -- right now if you watch biden you see a guy that doesn't know what is happening. right now when they hear mass deportation and we are leading biden in all of the polls i'm helping biden because people are going to stop. biden came in and he invited everybody in. like an invasion of our schools and hospitals. we don't have hospital space or anything. there is no country where this would be sustainable. when i am reelected we will tell the foreign nations sending caravans that all of these caravans coming up will not get one more set -- scent of american money. when you explain and say no money, no education, we are not going to take care of you better than our vets.
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better than our great vets living on the streets. we had that situation taken care of so well and now we are back where we started. and for any rot -- radical left charity or so-called aid organization supporting the caravans and illegal aliens, we will prosecute them for their participation. crooked joe biden -- you know i changed the name. it was "sleepy joe." i know what you mean -- what they have done, what these people have done to our country
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-- i said, do we want to go with "sleepy joe" because there are a lot of great words out there. we don't need to use a word on to people. it was a great day for hillary when i said we won't call her " crooked hillary" anymore. maybe "beautiful hillary." i think she and bill have a great relationship and i think they celebrated that night. with all the things they are finding and congress -- in congress, i thought "crooked" would be better. can we do a poll? we have sleepy or crooked. shout out which one. should he be crooked joe biden? [cheering]
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that is a tough one to beat. sleepy joe biden. ok, crooked joe. but, crooked joe biden is importing millions of illegal aliens from all over the world and putting them on the fast track welfare, free health care, food -- food stamps, government housing, work permits and education. and again, this is not sustainable. these are millions and millions of people. from day one i will terminate any work permits for illegal aliens and demand congress send me a bill outlawing all welfare payments to illegal migrants of any kind. we have to ask them to leave. we have to ask them to go home. and we will start with the really bad ones first if that's ok. we have to get them out of here fast because this is a bomb
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waiting to happen. and i will invoke the alien enemies act to remove all known and suspected gang members like ms 13, drug dealers and cartel members from the united states and in the scourge of gang violence. the violence is unbelievable. we tou thao thousands of ms 13, probably the toughest gang, history says when you see someone with tattoos all over their face with bad phrases like "destroy the usa" and other bad things on their face and forehead, history says it is not going to work out too well. we will get ms 13 out. we took out thousands and thousands. and the countries like honduras and guatemala and el salvador, they did not want them back. and when we said, got them out,
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i was informed by generals and everybody that you can't because they won't take anybody back. and i said, what do you mean? under the obama administration they would not take anyone back. we put them in a plane and flew them but we could not land and we came back. this went on for years. i said, tell me about it. and he said, they won't take them back. and i said, how much do we pay them as a group? we give everybody money. it is ridiculous. but i said, how much do we -- $750 million a year. so i said, we give them 750 and they won't take them back. and i said stop payment immediately. no more money. and i did exactly what matt would have done.
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except he might have been a little more violent about it. but i said, stop payment on the 700 $50 million immediately. and the next day i go into the oval office and i got there nice and early. it is the oval office and you like to be there. and i get there and i had three separate phone calls from the heads of each country. mr. president, we don't understand. and they said, we understand you are stopping payment, why? they are sending these people, by the way. you are sending us bad and dangerous people including terrorists and we are not paying anymore until we can bring them back into your country. may we call you back, sir? they called like two minutes later and they said, it would be
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our great honor to accept ms 13 back into our country. for seven years they had that problem and i took care of the caravan in about four minutes. and we brought them back by the tens of thousands and they come flowing back. it is so horrible and such a shame. but i already started the process and would have had it completed quickly. we wanted to end birthright citizenship. i heard a couple of your speakers. where you touch a piece of the land and congratulations, you become a citizen. by the way, there is no country in the world that does this. if you touch a piece of land you go through years of litigation and no one shows up. they say, come back in four years and we will get you a trial date. using title 42 we will stop, and
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we did, all people coming in with very, very bad diseases that other people can catch. you have people coming in at our very sick. and it is horrible they are so sick. they come in with diseases. in disease spreads all over our country. and we are just not going to take it anymore. we are not. and the child trafficking crisis -- i will return all trafficked children to their families in their home countries and we will do that immediately. under biden the same people who raped, tortured and murdered israeli men, women and children, so sad when you saw that, it would never have happened with us. do you know why? because when i was president, iran was broke. you know that, right? byron can tell you. he knew that. michael knew it very well.
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they all -- they had no money and they were not spreading terror because they couldn't. and i told china, if you buy one barrel of oil you are not doing business in the united states and we will put 100% tariff on everything that comes in. i told india the same thing. and everybody. and they all listened and they stopped. and we had something that was incredible. we had the great terror organizations stop. they totally stopped. and we had no problem. for four years we did not have an incident. think of it. i wanted to say it so badly even during the campaign when we did much better than we did the first time. we had millions more votes. i wanted to say it so badly -- there has been no terror. we did things that no one has ever done before. we had no terror for four years.
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we had no problems for four years. i could not talk about it because i did not want the next day something to happen. as soon he made a statement there was an attack. how about -- i will ask the military people here including the congressman, he said, i hope they don't attack us from the north. who would say that? i watched him. the security advisor. he said, i hope they don't attack israel from the north. who would say that? now, i would say i hope they attack us from the north because that is the toughest spot of all and they would not do it. no, i watched this i say, i hope
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-- and who would say this? biden said this a couple months ago, we have no ammunition. i rebuilt the united states military. and one of the many things we did -- [applause] we gave a big chunk of it to afghanistan in one of the most pathetic situations i have ever seen. but we rebuilt the entire military and we had so much ammunition we had to take warehouses around the country and beyond with so much ammunition. and they used the ammunition just like they have used all of the oil that we put into the strategic reserves. it is at the lowest level it has ever been. and we bought it very cheaply. and all of these things. i cannot think of one thing in three years that these people have done that is good. but biden got up and he said, we have no ammunition.
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now, number one, we should never be put in that position. but assuming that is true, who would say it? do you think president xi of china and putin hear that statement and respect it? people respected our country. and we were safe because they respected us. we were very safe. and they never talked to us the way they talk to this group. china talks to us like we are children which we basically are mentally if you look at our leaders. i would suggest that children are far smarter, smarter than biden by a lot. and that would include in his prime. i'm not just talking about --
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on day one i will restore the trump travel ban, stopping from entering people that want to blow up our shopping centers and kill people. enter -- entry from terrorist countries. we will have ideological screening. and we did that and it was unbelievably successful. the supreme court approved it and many were surprised but it was a great thing. and we had no problem. i talked about it as soon as i left. because it was an amazing thing we did. we were having a lot of problems like the world trade center and other problems and we had no problem during that four year period. we had it tight. if you hate america and want to abolish israel, if you sympathize with jihadist and you
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don't want your country to do well, you don't want your country to be successful, you just are not going to get in. on every policy from the border to energy, from immigration to education, croquet joe biden always takes the side that helps america's enemies. every time. the guy does not have a clue. he helps the enemies. and now we know why. joe biden is corrupt and incompetent and compromised. they are bribing our president. they are bribing our president. and you see this, this week the house republicans published explosive evidence and they have done a great job. they have done a fantastic job. they really have. very explosive evidence proving once and for all that croquet joe received 40,000 in cash and
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200,000 -- every day it is a different check here 40,000 in cash laundered out of china. and the real number and with the final results, you will see millions of dollars. chris wallace during the debate -- how is he doing by the way? and he said, why are you getting $3.5 million from the mayor of moscow's wife and joe biden could not answer the question but chris wallace came in and helped him. unit -- you are not allowed to ask that question. why not? two years later it became a big issue. it is a horrible thing. he brought -- we brought it up and he would not let it be. and i said, mi debating two people or one person? the laptop from hell said
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joe was getting 10% and now we have the cold hard proof that joe was getting 10% of a very big payment from china. he has the money in his account. can you imagine if i got it? we are thinking about re-instituting the death penalty, they would say. [laughter] that is why the number one phrase out there right now, if you look at it, the number one phrase and i'm greatly honored and they have hats all over the place not sold by us. trump was right about everything. we have been right about everything. and three years ago in the same debate, croquet joe stood on the debate stage and said "i have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life." that is one of the greatest lies
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in history. and he said no one in his family had ever taken or made money from china. china was a big payer to them. now we have pictures of the checks deposited into his account. if joe biden was not guilty, and everyone knows he was, he just lies. listen, the other day they were talking about truckers and he said he was a trucker. and they were talking about airline pilots. and he said he was an airline pilot. he said he was an airline pilot. they were talking about tractor operators. and he said, when i operated a tractor -- he never operated a tractor. [laughter] but probably his biggest sin of all for all of those that like sports and love golf and everything, he said he was a six handicap golfer.
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and i have to tell you, six handicap's is a pretty good golfer. percentagewise, there are not many. and i watched him take a swing. [laughter] he is not a six. he is not a 12. he is not a 25 or 836. -- he is not a 25 or a 36. i have friends that are good golfers and they are six handicaps and i said, joe biden says he is the equivalent of you. the whole thing is a lie. the whole election was a lie. [cheers and applause] as president, i will be creating
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a reconciliation commission to shed light on every dark and rotten corner of washington, d.c. starting with biden. and you have to understand we were doing the job. i got rid of the top fbi guys, i got rid of comey. if i didn't i probably would not be standing here. that was good instinct. a friend of mine, a strong political person that everyone knows says, that has to be the biggest mistake to fire that guy. look at what is happening. and last week he said it was one of the greatest political instinct moves he has ever seen because there were bad things planned. we learned about them. it was like throwing a rock into a hornets nest when i fired that guy. and then we learned about the insurance policy. remember the insurance policy? darling, darling -- she is going
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to win. isn't she? yes, darling. she is going to win 100 million to one but in case she does not win, we have an insurance policy. that was the beginning. right, fellas? that was the beginning when they said, we have an insurance policy which meant that they had a policy that if i won, they would get me out of office. they got rid of all of these people. we had a lot of things happen. we had a lot of amazing successes. we did a great job -- we never got the credit. we let republican henry mcmaster, south carolina did a great job. south dakota did a great job. tennessee did a great job, a lot of them.
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they kept them open. no? [shouting] i will say this. every republican governor did much better than the best democrat governor. it is true, but they did, because some of them kept them open. some of them -- not too many frankly, but some opened up pretty quickly, but the democrats kept them closed it seem like forever in all instances, and they really did a terrible job. crooked joe puts china first, russia first, venezuela first, illegal aliens first, environmental lunatics first, everyone else first. he points them ahead of our country. but he puts america last. he puts our workers at last. he puts our industries last. he puts your families last.
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he puts everything that is good last. that is what happens. i put america first every single time. [cheers and applause] and our country is under the highest level of threat. you saw that the other day -- it came out of a lot of different people's mouths. highest threat that we have ever had to, and yet all they do with the doj and fbi is let's go after trump and his family. it is pretty sad, but it is no wonder that crooked joe biden and the far left of lunatics are desperate to stop us by weaponizing law enforcement, which we cannot allow, but it does mean that the next president is able to say to the attorney general, you know what, there is somebody running over there, and he happens to be a democrat and he is doing very well and he is killing me in the polls. indict him, because that is what they did. it has never happened in our
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country. it happens in third world countries, it never happened in our country before. by weaponizing law enforcement, think about and weaponized law enforcement. it is really high level election interference, and the congressman in all of the people that we introduce today are doing a lot of things about it. people are really concerned about it, because it brings us into a low level as a country. and we are beating them so badly in the polls they feel that is the only way they can win. that is their form of cheating. you know the forms of cheating. this is a different form of cheating. in the harris poll we leave the primary field by 50 points with trump at 61 and ron de sanctimonious at seven. how about abc washington post. they came out with a pole 1.5 weeks ago that trump is leading bite 9, and they said we made a
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mistake, it is actually 10, works, we made a mistake it is actually 11. so they spent $1 million on a pole and when the results came out they said it must be a mistake. it is not a mistake. you go to every house, where coming here passing houses, a trump sign, trump 2024. [cheers] what we have to be careful of is the vote counters. the vote counters are far more important than the candidate, is that not said that we would have to say that? but the vote counters is far more important than the candidate, what they do and how they do it, and we have to be careful. people say to me so often, are you sure that is going to be good? we have the best people, but these are really crooked people. they cheat and they cheat like hell. look, open borders, high taxes, weak woke military, what they
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did to the military, but our military is incredible. the strength of our military. we defeated isis. stella many -- solemaini, al baghdadi, but we have to be vigilant, we have to be strong and we cannot let these people push us around because we have all the votes that we need i tell people when we put them on do not help me with the votes. it used to be election day. now they call an election period, we have 62 days in some cases, 62 days where they have a two months before. you can about two months before, indicate you need more time after the election is over you get two weeks extra. it is a horrible what they are doing. we should have all paper ballots and voter id and same day voting. [cheers] like they have -- you know,
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france had mail-in ballots. mail-in ballots are a disaster. california sends out 36 mail-in ballots. they go all over the place. some people get six, some people get eight, and many people, republicans i do not think do it much, but many people take those ballots and they send them all back in, but you look at some of these mail ins, and look at jimmy carter, who is the happiest man in the world today because he is no longer considered a bad president. in fact, compared to crooked joe biden i probably think he is considered one of the most brilliant people on earth. [applause] [laughter] he has a happy man, which is good, but he had a commission with other prominent senators, and they came to one conclusion. you cannot do mail-in ballots. france give it up because it was very corrupt, and they went and our last election, i have 36
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million votes all done in one day. strong voter id, they had very strong identification, and they had a winner and loser at 10:00 in the evening. the winner was happy, the loser was unhappy, there were no disputes. same day voting, paper ballots. it didn't know they make a special paper that is almost impossible to forge? it is great, watermark. [applause] paper ballots, and voter id is so good and so easy, and you save a lot of money. it is time for the republican establishment to stop wasting time and money trying to push weak rino's and never trumpers that nobody wants on the ballot. [cheers] and to get behind the only candidate that can withstand to attacks from the radical left horror shows. they are horrible people.
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they are, and we have got to win this election. if we do not win this election -- you know, it is interesting, in 2016 all i talked about was the border. the border, the military, but the border because it was so bad. nothing compared to -- by the way, that border compared to today was 100% better, but i just talked about the border all the time, and then the other things, but the border. and when they election. the problem is i did such a good job at the border that i could not talk about it in 2020. i tell this story, every time i mention the border my people would say, sir, nobody cares about the border. you fix the border, sir. there is no problem with the border. i said i want to talk about the border, because it could be bad again or at least i want to brag and tell people what a great job i did. sir, nobody cares what a great job you did. they said that about ron. you know that i endorse ron and he went from having very little
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to happen a lot and got him elected, and i thought that was nice, and i got him past the crack at. do not kid yourself, that guy at the time was a very strong politician. they said he is going to be president someday. do you remember him? good looking guy, everything good, and ron said he could not be in. we got him past the primary. in the primary the secretary of agriculture was eating about 37 points. then i endorse tim and he became a rocketship in 24 hours, so we got in there, that we can't impress the election because we did some giant trump rallies for him. i said, ron, you are going to win. he asked me for the endorsement, you are so far behind that if george washington and abraham lincoln came back from the dead and endorsed you you could not win. they like you in florida so much , i think you can win. tears flowing from his eyes.
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i need to endorsement. sir, i need your endorsement, please. i need your frickin endorsement. so i gave them to endorsement, and that he got the nomination. we then did the rally, and he went four years later, i said, governor, are you going to run against the president. he said i have no comment. i have no comment. no comment, that means he is going to run to me, and i said let's hit him hard right now, in my people said, sir, do not hit him. he is a republican. i said i did not care if he gets republican, and we hit him hard and now he is like a wounded folding bird from the sky. but i do not like that, and we talk about loyalty because it is the same thing. it is still disloyal, i do not think voters would like that. and my people said they do not care, sir. they did not care about loyalty. i said i think they do care about loyalty, and i was right, they do care.
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they do care. [cheers] [applause] every dollar that we spent, and it is true, every dollar that we spent on these never trump super pac's is a dollar being donated to reelect crooked joe biden. they have a debate coming up on wednesday. by the way, we are doing a big rally. it will all be there. you are all going to be there, everyone if you have got to be there. it is going to be a big rally, but we are doing a big rally. some people would call that counter programming. i said i never thought of it that way, i guess that would be a good name, would it not? the last debate had the lowest ratings in the history of presidential debates. did you know that? and this one should do slightly worse. [laughter] but they have a debate coming up. people do not want debates. i heard they booed christie off the stage today.
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is that true? [cheers] look, we are all in a party. we went to win this race. what is he doing? he is at 1.5, ok, and how about ada hutchinson. and i heard he got booed off the stage. who got more boos? christie, i heard they booed him off the stage. what is it all about? he is just doing it because i did not give them a job in the administration? what is he doing? and why would i do a debate when christie, sir i am sorry, he is not fat pig. he is not a fat pig. no, it is true, and you cannot use the term fat. you are allowed to use the word
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pig, but not fat. i said he is not a fat pig, so now the press cannot kill me because all i am doing is responding. he is not a fat pig. [laughter] [cheers] we are one year from election day. we need to put every dollar and every bit of energy into winning in november. we do not need to have people that 1%, 2%, 3%, out there doing the thing. let's say, it looks like burt brain is going to be catching. you know, there are like seven, and we are at 70, and why would you debate? they are professional politicians. why would you debate people when you have a 55, 60, 62 point lead? that is lead. you want us more president,
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right? i think if i did that i would say we did not know he was so stupid. we want to smart president, but what we are doing instead is we are doing a massive -- it is going to be wild, we are doing a big rally, and i hope you will all be there. the night of the debate, and we will start it right as they started, but it is not counter programming. we did not mean that to be counter programming. it happy to be a coincidence, ok. [laughter] it is a coincidence. the radical left democrats rigged the presidential election of 2020, and we are not going to without them to rig the presidential election of 2024. [cheers and applause] right? every time the radical left
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democrats marxist, communists, fascists indict me, i consider it a great badge of honor, because i am being indicted for you. thanks a lot, i appreciate it. i am being indicted for you, and i tell the story. al capone, did you ever hear of al capone. he was the meanest of all. if he had dinner with you and did not like you, he would kill you the next day. he only got indicted one time. i got indicted four times within a period of about 90 seconds. if i fly my plane over a blue state, i have to go to the grand jury the next day. [laughter] you know, they have weaponized this scrap -- crap. alphonse capone, scarface, right. he had a large scar from here to here and he did not get that from playing tiddlywinks, but he
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only got indicted one time. never forget, our enemies when to take away my freedom, because i will never let them take away your freedom. that is what it is all about. [cheers] [applause] and just so you know, if i did not do this -- if i said i am just going to relax. i had four years with these maniacs. look, we had china, we handle turner real well. we took in hundreds of billions of dollars. not one president took in -- i took in hundreds of billions of dollars. we have north korea. we got along with north korea. kim jong-un and i got along. the press hated it. it is horrible that they get along. no it is not. they have massive nuclear weapons. we got along very well. or russia. i told putin you cannot go into ukraine. i told him what, you're going to have big problems. he said no wait you are going to
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do that. i said way, but we got along great, but he said no way, and i said way, way, but he did not believe me, but he believed me 10%, and that is all you need. and they were not going in. it was not even a thought, it was the apple of his eye. we used to talk about it but they were not going in. when they saw biden's gross incompetence and those television generals -- we have generals by the way. we use them to defeat isis, they did it in record time, four weeks. it was supposed to take five years, and they did not know what they could do it, but they did it in four weeks. we had on believable generals, but not the television guys, but when you look at the things we did and what we have done and how we have done it, it is incredible, and we can do that again. we can do it again, and we can do it very quickly. we will do it very quickly. [applause] you know, they do not use this line anymore, but desanctis was
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saying, i think it was nbc, because branding is a very big deal, right? so i called ron desanctimonious. he will be all right. he is recovering, leave them alone, some big broadcaster. it was not meant as a comedy. ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to have governor brown desanctis with us today. i printed them as desanctis. i loved him, i thought it was great. great branding. but he tried to name his name too. she would not respond to people unless they called him desancti s, and i did give him one message. i said never change her name in the middle of the campaign. do you agree? but we are doing good.
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we are doing good with everybody. we have numbers that nobody us never actually seen before, and most importantly we will do great with biden. who thinks he is going to get to the starting gate? no? ok, he gets to the starting gate. who thinks he gets to the starting gate? that is not good news. [laughter] who thinks he does not get to the starting gate? [cheers] we have great confidence in our president, don't we? when you think that he is in charge of nuclear negotiations with putin and xi and all of these guys that are the top of their game. they are at the top of their game. i know them very well. i got along with them very well. i got along with the tough guys but the ones that were weak, i did not get along with them well. it sort of a weird feeling. one of the strongest of all is victor or yvonne -- victor orban
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of hungary. he has the privilege of fronting on both ukraine and russia. they interviewed kim last week. it was shocking that the fake news would put it in. they said what would you tell president biden to do to solve the whole world -- by the way, this is not the u.s. with all of the things that are going on. the whole world is blowing up because of us. what would you do? what would you tell him? and goes i would tell him to immediately resign and put trump in charge. let him be president again, because for four years at this world had no problems. china respected them. russia respected them. north korea respected them, and they were afraid of them. i do not want people to be afraid, but that is ok if they are. that is good too. he went to be unpredictable, but victor orban is a tough guy and respected guy. he said put trump back.
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when trump was here we did not have problems. we did not have problems with trying to going into taiwan, which that went to do immediately. the day i left they flew 28 bombers right over the middle of taiwan, because that was a signal, but it was a great honor that he made that statement, and in the end they are not after me. they are after you, and i am just standing in their way. you know that is happening. that is what it is. remember this. and it is true, if i did not do this, or if i was number four or five or three instead of leading him and everybody else in the polls, this would not be happening. if i did not run or if i were doing poorly and i was way in the back like christie and ada, you know, this would not be happening. this would not be happening, but if it is happening it is ok, because, you know, somebody asked me the other day. you have gone through so much. you had the greatest life in the
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world. the greatest, you could not have had better, but i love our country. our country was that having such a great life, but they said to me if you had it to do again, would you do it again? i said without question. i answered that question because we have to save our country. [applause] we have to save our country, and we will save our country. do you know i called this, there is an incredible term they have never heard of. i call this four year period, i called it a pause. it was a pause, and we have learned from the pause. we have learned that all of these things that they have do not work. the energy is a disaster. we were energy independent, we were going to be energy dominant within a matter of months and give tremendous amount of oil and gas to europe. we were going to make a fortune, pay down debt, lower taxes still further. i gave you the largest tax cut in the history of our country. we are going to lower taxes further, and think of it --
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three years ago we were energy independent. we had gasoline selling for $1.8 7 a gallon. and now they want to go to all the electric cars. it did you know what that means? that means that all of our autoworkers are going to be out of a job. they will be out of a job. they are doing a contract now, i was with them in michigan recently and said, you know, at the electric cars will all be made in china and some other countries, but was he trying to because we do not have what you need to do an electric car, but we have the greatest f in the world for doing combustion engine cars. you know what is called, liquid gold. we have more than any other country, and these people went to go all electric, and i said it it sounds sort of simplistic, but it is really good. the cars do not go far. wouldn't you like a more complicated? they have a very simple problem. they do not go far, number one.
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if you want to go to a local deli i think an electric car is a fantastic to have, right? [laughter] the greatest feeling a person that goes a brand-new electric is the first 10 minutes of the charge. after that they are a basket case trying to figure out where the hell they will get a charge. you know, how about this mandate? all cars will be very shortly electric, and they subsidize all the car companies. that is why the car companies are doing it, because they lose a fortune to be done to make a card, just like on the windmills. they subsidize every windmill. in the windmills now are all breaking down. you see what is going on? first time i have seen it. i have been preaching against these things. at they are horrible for the environment, they kill all our seas. we had one we don't get washed ashore in new jersey. and now they are coming up every week. they are being destroyed because of the sound and the vibration.
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it is so bad, and the subsidies is massive, but with the electric cars -- or so they went to go all electric, and the problem is with a expensive, they do not go far, but worse. at they went to all electric trucks. i have friends in the trucking industry that i think are probably going to support me, because these guys are going to put them out of business. you talk about a supply chain. the supply chain will be a disaster. if you buy a great trip today with diesel, massive tanks, but not that big compared to the battery. the battery would take up most of the truck, and they can do 2000 miles on a nice, large tank of diesel fuel, right? remember that. an electric truck can only go 300 miles. that means you have to get it charged seven times, and it takes long to charge, and it does not go quickly. it takes a long time, and yet they went to go to all electric
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trucks. plus there is a difference in power and torque. and one of the trucking company said, you know, sir, he has one of the biggest guys. for 50 years i buy trucks and every year i buy a truck to get better and stronger and everything is better, just better, incredible what they have done. if they go to electric trucks, they will have set us back 60 years, because they do not work. at the other problem they have is the battery is so big that it would take up most of the storage capacity. you know those big beautiful trucks. that sucker will be loaded up with the battery because you cannot make a little battery. you have got to make a big battery, because they do not go far enough and they do not work. and nothing you can do to stop it. i was in south carolina. i met with the boat opening, a great boat company, they make a lot of boats. a very beautiful fishing boats, and they said we have a problem. they want us to only go two miles per hour. up to 90 miles, and how far did the boats go?
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they never go beyond 60. the boats are meant to speed and they are not allowed to go fast. that was one thing. sir, they will want us to go all battery. and i asked him, i said let me ask you a question and she said nobody is ever asked me this question. if abu goes in, because the batteries are so heavy he does not know if the boats will float , and they take a lot of room, like the entire boat. instead of a nice mercury engine with a tank of gas, right? those beautiful mercury engines made in america. they went to put them at a business, so i said if you have a boat and because of the fact that your battery is very heavy and big, let's say it seems. what happens to you if the whole boat sinks and a whole boat is a battery. do you get electrocuted? if you look over there and you see a shark about 10 yards away, would you go for the other execution or would you go for the shark?
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i know what i would do. i will take electrocution every single day. they want to change it. the other thing they want to changes their army tanks. we make the best for me think of the world. i kept the factory open in ohio. first thing, i was president-elect. they wanted to close the army tanks, you can never reproduce those things. i vetoed that order, which made my congressman very happy. i vetoed it and we kept it open, but now they want to make all electric army tanks, and the purposes -- so we have this great tank and it is blasting the hell out of the country, but is doing it in an environmentally friendly way. [laughter] these people are crazy, and they do have a problem with the size of the battery that you need to have it operate, because the army tank would take a slightly different look. you have the tank the way it is, and behind it you would have this massive truck which would be pulled by the tank.
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they want to do it environmentally friendly. airplanes too. they have a new fuel that the plane will be 15% less effective, it will be environmentally friendly. it is the difference between losing those fights and winning these fights. these people are crazy, and they did not do anything about it. at the trucking is so obvious, but they will never do anything about it. they want everything to be electric, and remember, you know what makes the electric is oil and gas and coal? you know that, right? oil and gas and coal generates everything to make the electric, and in california they have blackouts all the time. blackouts, and now they are supposed to take millions of cars on the same grid. i am telling you, the people, there is something wrong with them. everybody in this room, when i explained the trucking and supply chain and you can only go 300 miles versus 2000 miles, there is not a person in this room that does not understand that. we do not have to meet for
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hours. i tell you the story and you say we cannot do it. these people cannot care. they say we do not care, we are doing it anyway. we do not care. i am telling you, there is something wrong with them. [laughter] so what we have is more than a campaign. it is a movement. it is the greatest movement in history. [applause] [cheers] you know, years ago, pat buchanan did well in new hampshire. i think he came in second place, but nice guy, pat buchanan. other people did well. they did not even have to win a primary. we won in the last time 50 states, think of it. we won every state. we then did great in the election, we got 12 million more votes than we got the first time. i was told if you get 63 million
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votes, you cannot lose. john mclachlan said it. tony fabrizio said it. we have got millions and millions more votes than that, and bad things happen. we cannot let that happen. time, and you have to be vigilant too. everybody has to be vigilant, because we are dealing with cheating dogs. but it is the greatest movement of all time, we won everything you read this is maga, make america great again. i was going to -- you know, we had the country going good that i was going to call the next campaign kag, keep america great, but i hated the word. what we like better, maga or kag ? what i was going to call it -- i said, wait a moment keep america great again, but the problem is when you look at what is happened it is good that we did not call that.
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america is not great. it is left out all over the world. people think we are a disintegrating nation. we are a horribly failing place. everything is going wrong. we give money to everybody. they give billions and billions and billions of money away to people who did not even like us. i read the other day in afghanistan, this year we gave seven begin dollars to afghanistan. how the hell did that happen? and it is just the craziest thing, and we are going to change it all. we had it so good. things were running so good and we got hit with the covid. when we finished up with covid, we did the biggest ventilator. we were giving ventilators all over the world getting the goggles enough it's in everything, but nobody knew what it was, but when we got hit with covid it was something that was incredible. it was so bad. we got it done, think of it what china did to us with covid. think of it, all from the wuhan lab. i said it was from the lab. i was confident was from the
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lab. i saw thousands of body bags. they tried to blame it on france, italy, anybody, on american soldiers, but when we got hit after -- as we were leaving, our stock market was higher than it was just prior to covid coming in. nobody thought a thing like that was possible. the stock market was actually higher than it was just prior to covid, and we had so many people that did such a great job in this country, but we had the greatest economy in history. we had no inflation. we were all of the things that we talked about with energy. we were at a level that we have never been at, and we were ready to rock 'n' roll, and then we had a terrible result in an election that should never have happened. we ended the nafta disaster, the worst radio ever made and replace it with usmca. the congressman here most of them did not think it was possible because it had to go through congress. it had tremendous
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constituencies. the best radio ever made was usmca, and it was a giant win for florida farmers and growers and producers. i have pointed nearly 300 federal judges and three great supreme court justices, which is been amazing. [applause] i kept my promise and recognized israel's eternal capital and open to the american embassy in jerusalem. [applause] i also recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights, and probably most importantly, but they did nothing with it i withdrew from the disastrous iran nuclear deal, but they were supposed to do something with it. and you could have because iran did not have any money. for four straight years under the trump administration i kept america safe, i kept israel safe, and i kept the entire world safe.
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we had nothing -- this is shocking what is going on. what is going on now is shocking. all over the planet our enemies new that if you tried to kill our citizens we will kill you. if you spill a drop of american blood, we will spill a gallon of your blood. that is what it was, and it was not a threat. that was just the way it was going to have to be, and to be do it because we want to make sure we are not starting wars. we did not have to start wars. in the debate with beautiful hillary clinton, she said look at him. look at the way he talks. he is going to get us into wars. he is going to start world war iii. i said, no, it is the way i talked that will keep you out of world war iii. [cheers and applause] and when you think of it how important elections are, you have millions of people alive right now if the election was
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not rigged. they would be alive. ukraine, israel. at the attack never would have been made. all of these people would be alive, the cities would be thriving. to every american is petrified that joe biden's catastrophic weakness will bring our country to ruin, which he has a great chance of doing. he is close to that anyway. close to economic ruin, i make you this promise. as were president, and nobody else can say it. i will restore peace through strength, and, yes, i am the only one that will prevent world war iii, because we are very close to world war iii. [cheers] and i know all the players. i know them all, every one of them. we will prevent -- and this will not be our first world war or second world war. this will be obliteration, because the level of power, of weaponry of power you have never
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seen anything -- you do not want to see it. when they talk about global warming, because in 250 years our ocean will be 100 of an inch higher, and they never mentioned the power of nuclear weapons where one madman can do damage the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. it is just crazy. it is crazy to see it, it is crazy to talk about it. but i will stop, and it will happen very quickly. there will not be a world war iii, and we are closer than anyone understands. to protect our citizens from foreign threats, i will build a state-of-the-art missile defense shield. we will build that. we will build that. [applause] and it will be jobs for america. it will be built in america. we developed the technology, nobody else, by the way. a lot of people said we developed the technology. the technology was developed by us, and it works.
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you see it. ronald reagan wanted to do it, but at that time they did not have the technology. the concept was good, but we have unbelievable technology. it can shoot a needle out of the air, it is incredible. would you feel a little safer, a little more comfortable if we can do that? and it is jobs, jobs in america. i will end joe biden's war on american energy and unleash our most powerful economic weapon. this is our most powerful economic weapon. do you know what it is? drill, baby, drill. a powerful weaponry. [cheers] we will stop joe biden's inflation disaster and rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world with tax cuts, regulation cuts, energy price cuts, and interest rate cuts like you have never seen before. you know, we had a 2% interest rate, and now it is a percent, 9%, 10%, and you cannot get the
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money anyway so what difference does it make. nobody is buying houses anymore. and unlike ron desantimonious i will always protect social security and medicare for our great seniors. ron wanted to obliterate social security and raised in an age to 70 or even 75. i get back into the oval office we will totally obliterate the rest of the deep state. we are going to obliterate -- [cheers and applause] and we will together restore law and order in our country. [cheers] we will completely overhauled the doj to investigate every marxist prosecutor in america for their illegal racist in the reverse enforcement of the law, and on day one i will also sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school wishing critical race theory,
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trans gender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children. [cheers and applause] and i will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or any mask mandate. we are not getting. there will be no mask mandate, and incredibly that i even have to say this, because it is so ridiculous that he could even be a subject, i will keep men out of women' e-sports. [cheers and applause] and just as i did for four years very successfully -- nobody has done it like i did, i will fully uphold our great second amendment. i will fully uphold. [cheers and applause] and i will continue to protect innocent life. we will restore quickly free
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speech, and i will totally secure our elections, so catastrophic results like we had cannot be had again. that cannot happen. to have a great country, you need borders and you need free and clear and dutiful elections, and we do not have either. this is what we must do in conclusion to restore our country to greatness. the usa is a mess. israel is under attack. our economy is cratering like we have not seen before. inflation is out of control. china, russia, iran, and north korea formed together as a menacing and very destructive force. our currency is scratching and will soon be the world's standard on. it will be gone.
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it will be absolutely no longer the world standard, which will be the greatest single defeat of our country in over 200 euros. if that happens, we will indeed be a third world country. none of these things -- thank you -- will ever happened with me. not even a little chance, just like russia would never have invaded ukraine. china would not have even thought about rating taiwan, and the attack on israel would never have happened. would never have happened. and we would have left afghanistan with dignity and strength and pride instead of the greatest embarrassment in our history. [applause] if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the united states and added them up, they would not have done near the disruption to our country as it joe biden and the biden administration have done. they would not have done near. [cheers and applause] so we are a failing nation. we are a nation in a very serious decline, and now these
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radical left clinic licks -- lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement. it is totally corrupt, and we will never let it happen. if you want to save america from crooked joe biden and other people that are probably really running the country, then get every patriot you know, get them out to vote in the florida primary on march 19 and 2024. remember, it is our final battle. we are either going to have a country greater than ever before, or we are not going to upcountry at all. it is our final battle. with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. we will expelled the warmongers from our government, and we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communist, marxists, and fascists. we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. we will route the fake news
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media, evict joe biden from the white house, and we will finish the job that we so brilliantly started. it was doing so beautifully. the great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership we are doing it together. we forgot men and women -- the forgotten man and woman will not be forgotten any longer. they were forgotten for four years, but they will not be forgotten any longer. with your help, your love, and your vote we will put america first, and we will make america great again, greater than ever before. thank you, florida. we love you, florida. god bless you all. god bless you. thank you. [cheers and applause] ♪
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thank you, everybody. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> ♪ hod on i'm comin hold on i'm comin ♪ hold on i'm comin hold on i'm comin hold on i'm comin hold on i'm comin [cheers and applause] ♪
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